3D Text designe tutorial & Creative Idea 2023

3D hello Text Image

Hello, we wil make this creative 3d text in easy steps. 

Step 1 Creat a blank project according to your need & here, i have created blank project square (2000×2000) size.

Photoshop touch or pscc or ps touch perfect blank project

Step 2  import the text you have saved from pixlLab & also the colour palette avilable in gfx pack. 

Colour palette for text editing photoshop & pscc & ps touch

Step 3 fill the background with any colour for good visibility & duplicate the text layer for 3 time (Total text layer 3).

Step 4 fill the first text with purple colour given in colour palette. Give drop down shadow ( same colour, blur 0, distance 50, opacity 100% )

            fill the second text with orange colour given in colour palette. Give drop down shadow ( same colour, blur 0, distance 15, opacity 100% )

            fill the third text with gradient given in colour palette. Give drop down shadow (Black colour, blur 0, distance 5, opacity 30% )
              Distance depends on the size of the Text try to give more distance.

3d Text desgine photoshop pscc ps touch

Step 5  select pixel of third text layer & inverse the selected pixel & fill with white colour in another empty layer. Then transfer the layer ( 1pixel down , 1pixel right) & select pixle of third layer text , then go to white colour fill layer & extract it.

Step 6 In this step We will do detailing of this text , So watch my youtube video full.

Font & colour palette Zip fileDownload Now

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